Here's to hoping you all had a very happy Christmas and New Years! After some busy days leading up to Christmas, filled with baking Gingerbread homes and people, french macaroons and lots of mini fruit tarts, it was nice to relax for a few days.
In an effort to stay active and work off all the Christmas candy and desserts, I enjoyed some back-country skiing. Here are some highlights.

Giving up on the steep hill.

Falling off a bad excuse of a bridge.
(This was followed by falling through the ice on the river below.)

Falling over trying to pose by the most difficult trail sign.

Despite the slips and falls, it was still lots of fun and the bruises are healing nicely!
Anyway, it's now time to get back to work. Watch this space for some updates on baking rustic country loaves and Lilly Pulitzer Butter Cookies!
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