I have been fairly busy this past week. I met with a lawyer who is helping me create an actual trademarked business, complete with federal and state tax numbers. He also pointed me in the direction for purchasing liability insurance, so if someone becomes sick from one of my cookies or bangs their head on my tent, I'll be protected.
I've also been working on finding the perfect madeline recipe. I thought I was all set with the version I was baking, but then I looked in the cookbook Simply French, which has a very different recipe. I tried the different recipe and they are a lot tastier, but they won't rise properly and as a result are not very pretty. So I need to work on the madelines. I'll post about them as soon as I perfect the recipe (and have a freezer full of frozen madelines).
And this brings me to the best part of my recent work, the logo. My mom is a really talented artist, and she agreed to draw the logo. The name Le Petit Lapin was actually created around my idea for the logo. When my mom was in college she drew really beautiful illustrations on note cards she sent to my dad when they were dating. They were very much in the style of Tasha Tudor and Beatrix Potter- fairy tale in the country. A lot of the cards included little bunnies, and I immediately fell in love with the idea of a bunny baking a cake. And because I am obsessed with all things french, especially french pastries, I decided on the name Le Petit Lapin Patisserie.
And so, without further ado, I bring you the first rough draft of the logo. The bunny needs to be tweaked a bit (she's a bit rotund) and I'm changing some of the colors, but it's a start and I really love it.

Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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