About me.

Before all this baking started, I worked as a cancer research assistant in Boston.  A typical day included working in a sterile hood maintaining cell lines and treating them with drugs, genotyping litter after litter of transgenic mice, walking through longwood medical area carrying mice between facilities for their weekly MRI scan, and lots and lots of mindless pipetting. 


I now own a home-run bakery, Le Petit Lapin Patisserie, in Vermont.  I sell my products at farmers' markets and local shops.  A typical day now includes an early morning rise at 4 am, mixing up batch after batch of cookie dough, shaping endless loaves of brioche, a mid-morning run through the hills to burn off all the cookies, mixing up more cookie dough, and setting up and selling at farmers' markets.

It's hard work, but I love it!

My cooking reflects my love of all things french pastry as well as the rusticness of Vermont.  I bake with local products, and grow my own berries which I pick minutes before baking into fruit tarts and pies.  I use a variety of recipes, pulled from cookbooks, foodblogs, friends, family and anywhere else I can find them. 

I created this blog for two reasons.  I don't have a retail space,  so I wanted a permanent location to update customers on where my products are sold.  I also wanted to share my experiences in starting my own business and all my adventures living in Vermont.

Visit my locations page to learn where to find Le Petit Lapin products.


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